Functor BatHashcons.MakeTable

module MakeTable: 
functor (HT : BatHashtbl.HashedType-> Table with type key = HT.t
HT : BatHashtbl.HashedType

type key 

type of objects in the table

type t 

type of the table

val create : int -> t

create n creates a table with at least n cells.

val clear : t -> unit

clear tab removes all entries from the table tab.

val hashcons : t ->
key -> key BatHashcons.hobj

hashcons tab k returns either k, adding it to the table tab as a side effect, or if k is already in the table then it returns the hashed object corresponding to that entry.

val iter : (key BatHashcons.hobj -> unit) ->
t -> unit

iter f tab applies f to every live hashed object in the table tab.

val fold : (key BatHashcons.hobj -> 'a -> 'a) ->
t -> 'a -> 'a

fold f tab x0 folds f across every live hashed object in the table tab, starting with value x0

val count : t -> int

count tab returns a count of how many live objects are in tab. This can decrease whenever the GC runs, even during execution, so consider the returned value as an upper-bound.