Module type BatBounded.S

module type S = sig .. end

type base_u 

Raw unbounded type

type u 

BatBounded.S.base_u after bounding constraints have been applied

type t = private u 

Private version of BatBounded.S.u to avoid construction of BatBounded.S.t values without using make below.

val bounds : base_u BatBounded.bound_t *
base_u BatBounded.bound_t

bounds defines the (min, max) bounds for the bounded range

val make : base_u -> t

make x will return a value of type BatBounded.S.t derived from x.

val extract : t -> u

extract x will return x as a value of type BatBounded.S.u. A similar result could be achieved with (x :> u)

val map : (base_u -> base_u) ->
t -> t option

map f x applies f to x. Returns Some y if x can be converted back to type BatBounded.S.base_u, otherwise returns None.

val map2 : (base_u -> base_u -> base_u) ->
t -> t -> t option

map2 f x y applies f to x and y. Returns Some z if x and y can be converted back to type BatBounded.S.base_u, otherwise returns None.

val map_exn : (base_u -> base_u) ->
t -> t

map_exn f x applies f to x. Returns y if x can be converted back to type BatBounded.S.base_u, otherwise raise an exception.

val map2_exn : (base_u -> base_u -> base_u) ->
t -> t -> t

map2_exn f x y applies f to x and y. Returns z if x and y can be converted back to type BatBounded.S.base_u, otherwise raise an exception.