Module Extlib.UChar

module UChar: BatUChar

type t 
exception Out_of_range
val char_of : t -> char

char_of u returns the Latin-1 representation of u. If u can not be represented by Latin-1, raises Out_of_range

val of_char : char -> t

of_char c returns the Unicode character of the Latin-1 character c

val code : t -> int

code u returns the Unicode code number of u.

val chr : int -> t

chr n returns the Unicode character with the code number n. If n does not lay in the valid range of Unicode or designates a surrogate character, raises Out_of_range

val eq : t -> t -> bool

Equality by code point comparison

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare u1 u2 returns, a value > 0 if u1 has a larger Unicode code number than u2, 0 if u1 and u2 are the same Unicode character, a value < 0 if u1 has a smaller Unicode code number than u2.

type uchar = t 

Aliases of type t

val int_of : uchar -> int

Alias of code

val of_int : int -> uchar

Alias of chr

val is_ascii : uchar -> bool

true if the char is a regular ascii char, i.e. if its code is <= 127