Module BatBounded

module BatBounded: sig .. end

Bounded values

This module implements values which must fall within given bounds.

type 'a bound_t = [ `c of 'a | `o of 'a | `u ] 

`open or `closed or `unbounded bounds

type ('a, 'b) bounding_f = bounds:'a bound_t * 'a bound_t -> 'a -> 'b 

The type of a bounding function with limits specified by bounds

val bounding_of_ord : default_low:'b ->
default_high:'b ->
('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'a -> BatOrd.order) -> ('a, 'b) bounding_f

bounding_of_ord ~default_low ~default_high conv ord will returning a bounding function using ord for value comparison and default_low and default_high for values which fall outside of the requested range. conv is used to convert values which are in-range to the result type.

val bounding_of_ord_chain : low:('a -> 'b) ->
high:('a -> 'b) ->
('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'a -> BatOrd.order) -> ('a, 'b) bounding_f

bounding_of_ord_chain ?low ?high ord is like BatBounded.bounding_of_ord except that functions are used to handle out of range values rather than single default values.

val saturate_of_ord : bounds:'a bound_t * 'a bound_t ->
('a -> 'a -> BatOrd.order) -> 'a -> 'a

saturate_of_ord ~bounds:(low, high) ord will returning a bounding function using ord for value comparison and low and high for values which fall outside of the requested range.

val opt_of_ord : bounds:'a bound_t * 'a bound_t ->
('a -> 'a -> BatOrd.order) -> 'a -> 'a option

opt_of_ord ~bounds:(low, high) ord will returning a bounding function using ord for value comparison and None for values which fall outside of the requested range.

module type BoundedType = sig .. end
module type BoundedNumericType = sig .. end
module type S = sig .. end
module type NumericSig = sig .. end
module Make: 
functor (M : BoundedType-> S with type base_u = M.base_t with type u = M.t with type t = private M.t

Functor to build an implementation of a bounded type given the bounded values definition M

module MakeNumeric: 
functor (M : BoundedNumericType-> NumericSig with type base_u = M.base_t with type u = M.t with type t = private M.t