module State:sig
typet =
same as BatRandom.State
The type of PRNG states.
val make : int array -> t
Create a new state and initialize it with the given seed.
val make_self_init : unit -> t
Create a new state and initialize it with a system-dependent low-entropy seed.
val copy : t ->
Return a copy of the given state.
val bits : t -> int
val int : t -> int -> int
val int32 : t ->
Stdlib.Int32.t -> Stdlib.Int32.t
val nativeint : t ->
Stdlib.Nativeint.t -> Stdlib.Nativeint.t
val int64 : t ->
Stdlib.Int64.t -> Stdlib.Int64.t
val float : t -> float -> float
val bool : t -> bool
val char : t -> char
val enum_bits : t -> unit -> int BatEnum.t
A copy of the input state is made to start these generators; the input state is not modified. This means that two enums constructed from the same state will produce the same value sequence.
val enum_int : t -> int -> int BatEnum.t
val enum_bool : t -> unit -> bool BatEnum.t
val enum_float : t -> float -> float BatEnum.t
val enum_int32 : t ->
Stdlib.Int32.t -> Stdlib.Int32.t BatEnum.t
val enum_int64 : t ->
Stdlib.Int64.t -> Stdlib.Int64.t BatEnum.t
val enum_nativeint : t ->
Stdlib.Nativeint.t -> Stdlib.Nativeint.t BatEnum.t
val enum_char : t -> unit -> char BatEnum.t
val perturb : t ->
perturb s
returns a new state based on the given state
that is, in a sense, the hash of the input state. This new
state should be quite different from the input.